American Cockroaches


Color: Reddish brown with a pale brown figure eight band on the back of their heads.

Characteristics: American roaches are oval shaped. Adults are fully winged.

Size: Adult roaches are approximately 1 1/2 inches long.

Potentially Dangerous: Yes

Food Contamination

Difficult to Eradicate

Health Hazard

Pantry Pest

Illness Spreading

Structure Invading

What Do American Cockroaches Look Like?

Here in Houston, we often refer to American cockroaches as wood roaches.  They are also called waterbugs and Palmetto bugs.  Regardless of what you call them, they are oval in shape, with long and threadlike antennae.  Typically less than 2 inches in length, these roaches are normally reddish brown in color, except for a pale brown figure eight band on the back of the head.

Why Do I Have A Roach Problem?

Wood roaches are considered the largest of the ‘house-infesting’ cockroaches in Texas and throughout the country. They are active in and around homes and business when the temperature is 70 degrees or higher, but are known to survive at lower temperatures when the conditions in their environment are right. They prefer warm and humid spaces and can be found in food processing and food storage areas, basements and steam tunnels of large commercial buildings like restaurants, markets, hospitals and food processing plants.

Where Do Roaches Hide?

Outside American Cockroaches like to live and hide in warm, damp, dark areas like in flowerbeds, under mulch, and under landscaping ties.  Inside of homes they can be found hiding in the dark secluded areas of bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, or basements.

What Are The Signs Of A Roach Problem?

Signs that roaches have become a problem in your home include finding adults scurrying very quickly around your kitchen, bathroom or basement areas.  Another sign may be finding their droppings around your kitchen or other areas of your home, they look very similar to mouse droppings but are blunt at each end instead of tapered.  If there is a large infestation you may notice a “musty” smell from pheromones that they give off.

What Kind Of Threat Do Wood Roaches Pose?

Cockroaches are known to spread many kinds of pathogens that are dangerous to humans, as well as different types of bacteria and parasitic worms.  Cockroaches can pick up germs on the spines of their legs and bodies as they crawl through garbage cans, sewers and drains and can transfer these germs to food surfaces.  There are recent medical studies that have indicated that cockroach allergens can cause allergic reactions as well as cause asthma in children.

How Do I Control Roaches?

Cockroach control is not an easy task, but the professionals at Holder’s Pest Solutions have all the tools and knowledge necessary to help you get rid of a cockroach problem in your home or facility.  Our technicians know how and where to look for cockroaches and they have the knowledge to determine the species of cockroach that is bothering you.  Contact us today to learn more about American cockroaches or to find out how Holder’s pest control services for home or business can help you eliminate cockroaches in Houston.

How Do You Prevent Roach Infestations?

Cockroaches can be difficult to prevent and control, but along with obtaining year-round pest control services, there are some things you can do in and around your home to help prevent these dangerous and disease spreading pests.

American cockroach prevention tips include:

  • Reducing moisture in and around your home by making sure that gutters are working properly, that de-humidifiers are being used in basement areas, and that crawl spaces are properly ventilated.
  • Making sure to seal the areas around pipes that are entering into your home.
  • Regularly vacuuming and sweeping your home, and routinely wiping down the counters in your kitchen.
  • Not keeping food out in the open in your kitchen or other areas of your home.
  • Regularly remove garbage from your home and keep it stored outside in trash cans with tight fitting lids away from the outside of your home.

Have more questions? Ready to schedule your inspection or treatment? Call today!
