:Tag:pest prevention tips
13 11, 2014

Holiday Pest Control Tips: Ants, Beetles And Rodents

Beetles, Pest Prevention Tips|

A lot happens around Thanksgiving time. More people will be coming and going from your home and more food as well. It is a time of celebration and a season of feasting. It is also a time when those bugs and rodents will start wondering if your home is the right place to spend the winter. If you're wondering, the answer is no. Your home is not the right place for those critters and varmints to spend the winter.

6 11, 2014

How To Prevent Pigeons Near Your Business

Houston Pest Control|

It is easy to see that pigeons are bad for business.

6 10, 2014

Why Your Kitchen Is So Attractive To Bugs

Pest Prevention Tips|

No one can dispute that the heart of every home is the kitchen. It is where families gather to make meals, laughter and memories. The moment that the dishes are done and the lights go out however, the kitchen can become home to a new kind of family. A multitude of household pests will naturally gravitate toward the largest food source in the home, your kitchen.

19 09, 2014

Pesky Pigeons: How to Prevent Them

Pest Prevention Tips|

Believe it or not pigeons are a major pest problem for home and business owners, especially those living in urban areas, but also for those living in suburban and rural areas as well. Homes and other buildings provide the perfect area for these pesky pests to roost, rest, and nest in. Also, residential and business properties often provide ample food and water sources for these birds to easily live off of.

11 08, 2014

How To Prevent Mosquitoes From Taking Over Your Yard

Pest Prevention Tips, Summer Pest Control|

Everyone loves summer! The barbeques, the beach, the campfires, but maybe not the mosquitoes.

26 12, 2013

Prevention Tips To Resolve Pests In 2014

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips, Rodents|

As 2013 comes to a close, we all start thinking about everything this last year has had to offer. If 2013 has been full of crazy ants, German cockroaches and other pests inside your home, we would like to help you in 2014! 

26 02, 2013

Why Texas Pest Control Is Going Green?

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

Just as our society is going green with reusable bags, hybrid cars and energy efficient appliances, the vast world of pest control is following suit. Or should we say, the vast world of pest control has been going green for quite some time now. The reason that we are so into the idea of green pest control is because it benefits both those receiving pest control services and the environment as a whole.

21 01, 2013

The Noises You Hear At Night Could Be Rodents

Pest Prevention Tips, Rodents|

Do you ever feel like you are hearing noises at night? We’re not talking about the ordinary creaking of a house, the heating or cooling unit at work or even ones you just think you hear. When the lights are out and we are relying on our sense of sound, even the smallest movements or cracks in the home can often be heard loud and clear. And unfortunately in some cases, the noises you hear are the pitter-patter of little rodents (including mice and rats) running through the walls at night.

10 01, 2013

Here’s To A Pest Free Home In 2013!

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

With the beginning of a new year everyone is starting out strong in an effort to stick to those resolutions for a healthier lifestyle. Among the many popular resolutions are things like get to the gym more, eat healthier and save up for a vacation. But did you know that just as important as your own health is the health of your home? 

6 12, 2012

Tips for Unpacking Holiday Decorations in Houston

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

While some people have had their decorations up for weeks, for many families now is the time to start lugging boxes down stairs from the attic or upstairs from the basement to prepare the home for the holiday season. It is important to keep in mind that while you unpack your holiday decorations, you may be in for more than just ornaments.

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