6 02, 2015

Commercial Facility Risk And Damage Management


It is hard to quantify the monetary cost of rodent damage to commercial facilities in the United States. These invasive pests, which include the Norway rat (Rat-tus norvegicus), the roof rat (Rattus rattus), and the house mouse (Mus musculus), can have many damaging effects on a facility. The more a facility deals in farming, food processing, and storage, the greater the effect.

12 01, 2015

Meadow Voles, Roof Rats, And Deer Mice Threaten Management

Rodents, Wildlife|

When it is cold, rodents look to enter man-made structures. Rodents--known for their incisors that never stop growing--must chew to wear their teeth down. This natural propensity to gnaw allows them to chew their way through soft wood to gain access to wall voids, attic crawl spaces, and other areas in your home or garage.

7 06, 2014

Why It’s So Important For Rats To Be Controlled


Rats are really nasty creatures. They have a reputation for being dirty, disease spreading pests, and they really do live up to that reputation. If you have them in your home or business, you want to get them out ASAP.

23 04, 2014

Tips To Prevent Roof Rats In Your Houston Facility


As a business owner, you know that one of the major keys to success is to make sure that the reputation of your Houston business is kept unharmed. Having problems with pests in your facility is a sure fire way to have your businesses’ reputation damaged. Nothing will make customers think twice about visiting your business more than pests, especially rodents and rats.

26 12, 2013

Prevention Tips To Resolve Pests In 2014

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips, Rodents|

As 2013 comes to a close, we all start thinking about everything this last year has had to offer. If 2013 has been full of crazy ants, German cockroaches and other pests inside your home, we would like to help you in 2014! 

22 11, 2013

Have You Found Our Most Wanted Pests In Texas?

Ants, Rodents|

If you are seeing any signs of pest activity in your Texas home, contact Holder's Pest Solutions today! Mice, rats, crazy ants, and beetles are just a few of the common offenders. To successfully get rid of and keep out unwelcome critters, sign up for year round pest protection from Holder's Pest Solutions. 

24 10, 2013

Roof Rats In Texas

Houston Pest Control, Rodents, Warehousing and distribution|

The Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s Pest Solutions would like to discuss a pest you don’t hear much about (but is very common): the roof rat. The rats in Texas that we encounter include the Norway rat, the Yellow-nosed cotton rat, the hispid cotton rat and the tawny-bellied cotton rat among others, but the roof rat is the most common in our service area.

21 01, 2013

The Noises You Hear At Night Could Be Rodents

Pest Prevention Tips, Rodents|

Do you ever feel like you are hearing noises at night? We’re not talking about the ordinary creaking of a house, the heating or cooling unit at work or even ones you just think you hear. When the lights are out and we are relying on our sense of sound, even the smallest movements or cracks in the home can often be heard loud and clear. And unfortunately in some cases, the noises you hear are the pitter-patter of little rodents (including mice and rats) running through the walls at night.

20 06, 2012

Keep Rodents Out of Your Texas Facility

Pest Prevention Tips, Rodents|

For many businesses one of the seemingly worst pest problems to encounter are rodents. Mice and rats can have a negative impact on your business’s image and reputation and should be avoided. For business owners in Houston, if your facility has seen any rodent activity or if you would like to stay proactive, Holder's Pest Solutions would like to offer some tips to keep a rodent free facility.

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