The Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s Pest Solutions would like to discuss a pest you don’t hear much about (but is very common): the roof rat. The rats in Texas that we encounter include the Norway rat, the Yellow-nosed cotton rat, the hispid cotton rat and the tawny-bellied cotton rat among others, but the roof rat is the most common in our service area. Here is some important information on these pests as well as tips to help you avoid them in your Houston home or business.

Roof rats are a medium sized rat with a body that is approximately 7 inches long and a tail that is often slightly longer than the body. They are usually blackish or brownish in color and they have a naked and scaly tail. These pests live in close association with humans, although they are found in nature as well. These rodents are known for inhabiting grocery stores, warehouses and grain storage facilities and although they may nest near the ground, they are known to frequent attics, rafters, crossbeams and other high areas of buildings. You can spot an infestation of these rodents by the signs they leave behind. Roof rats are known for:

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