:Tag:pest proofing tips
27 10, 2014

The Importance Of Pest Proofing Your Business

Pest Prevention Tips, Warehousing and distribution|

You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Reputation is the lifeblood of a business, and whether your business is food or paper clips, pests can hurt your image, and taint your brand.

21 01, 2013

The Noises You Hear At Night Could Be Rodents

Pest Prevention Tips, Rodents|

Do you ever feel like you are hearing noises at night? We’re not talking about the ordinary creaking of a house, the heating or cooling unit at work or even ones you just think you hear. When the lights are out and we are relying on our sense of sound, even the smallest movements or cracks in the home can often be heard loud and clear. And unfortunately in some cases, the noises you hear are the pitter-patter of little rodents (including mice and rats) running through the walls at night.

10 01, 2013

Here’s To A Pest Free Home In 2013!

Houston Pest Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

With the beginning of a new year everyone is starting out strong in an effort to stick to those resolutions for a healthier lifestyle. Among the many popular resolutions are things like get to the gym more, eat healthier and save up for a vacation. But did you know that just as important as your own health is the health of your home? 

27 11, 2012

The Holidays Bring Pest Problems To Texas Homes

Pest Prevention Tips|

The requirements for pests to survive are very similar to that of humans. Shelter, food and water are all necessities and unfortunately for us, pests such as mice, rats and pantry pests can easily access these three elements right in the comfort of our home. So while the busy holiday season gets underway it is important for homeowners in Houston, Texas, to be prepared to prevent pests. 

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