1 07, 2015

Mosquito Reduction And Prevention In Houston, Texas

Biting insects, Houston Pest Control, Mosquito Control, Pest Prevention Tips|

If your business is located in an area where mosquitoes are present, you are surely aware of how troublesome these pests are. Not only do they tend to swarm in the masses, but also mosquito bites can lead to the spread of West Nile Virus and other mosquito borne illnesses. Bottom line, mosquitoes and your business are not a good match. Our Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s Pest Solutions have a few tips and solutions to share in order to help you get through this summer without the mosquitoes forcing your employees and customers to run away!

18 06, 2015

Foods Pests Love

Ants, Food and beverage processing, Restaurant and food service, Rodents|

There are a lot of pests that want to invade your home or business. Some of them are only looking for a place to hide from the weather, but the vast majority come seeking food. If you know what foods pests eat, you can deter them from coming in, or in many cases, from sticking around once they've come in.

19 05, 2015

Houston Termite Control


If you became aware that your home is currently resting on a fault line, would you get earthquake insurance? What if you learned that the region your home sits in is 5 times more likely to get flooded in spring? Would you get flood insurance? Houston, we have a problem. Eastern Texas is home to every type of termite that can infest a home, including the voracious Formosan subterranean termite. Some have said that this termite can total a new home almost before the paint dries. If you live in Houston, you're crazy to not have termite insurance.

14 04, 2015

Are Red Ants In Houston Dangerous?

Ants, Stinging Insects|

Red imported fire ants are much more than a nuisance to the residents of Houston. The impact of this ant in the State of Texas has created a serious problem, costing an estimated $1.2 billion each year. The red imported fire ant is no respecter of persons, attacking urban, agricultural and wildlife areas. This red ant poses a tremendous health risk to humans, animals and plants.

13 04, 2015

The Solution For Termites In Houston


When it comes to home-wrecking termite species, Houston Texas has them all. High humidity and prolonged hot weather make Houston an ideal home from the most destructive of all termites: The Eastern Subterranean Termite--a species of termite that can total a home in as little as two years. But, fortunately, there is a solution. With advancements in modern termite control, your home or business can be fully protected.

6 04, 2015

Tips For Ants In The House

Ants, Pest Prevention Tips|

After a hard day (traffic, work, kids), have you ever dreamed about that piece of delicious chocolate cake that you left out on your counter? We’ve all been there, we understand. But, if you aren’t careful this spring, you may find that something else will have gotten to it before you - ants, that’s right ants! Ants are pesky creatures that will enter into your home and eat your food without any apologies. Now is the perfect time to implement changes around your home to ensure that ants stay out of it and away from your chocolate cake.

20 02, 2015

Meet The Subterranean Termite Colony


Just hearing the word termite gives you an uncomfortable feeling. These tiny insects cause approximately 5 billion dollars in property damage in the United States each year. Termites get into your home and chow down on any wood source available as food to build colonies and survive. They particularly enjoy moist wood to chew through. The hardest part about a termite infestation is that they are hard to spot. They usually chew through the interior of your walls, out of your sight. You may only notice them after the structural damage has already occurred. This is why it is important to arm yourself with knowledge of these tiny pests to help keep them away from your home.

6 02, 2015

Commercial Facility Risk And Damage Management


It is hard to quantify the monetary cost of rodent damage to commercial facilities in the United States. These invasive pests, which include the Norway rat (Rat-tus norvegicus), the roof rat (Rattus rattus), and the house mouse (Mus musculus), can have many damaging effects on a facility. The more a facility deals in farming, food processing, and storage, the greater the effect.

26 01, 2015

5 Important Termite Facts


Just the idea of finding termites in your home can drive anyone crazy. These tiny insects can do quite a bit of damage to any wood structures within a home. Once you have spotted a termite in your home, it is hard to tell just how bad the damage is until you have a pest control professional examine your home. Everyone knows that finding termites in your home is no good. But how can you be sure it’s a termite that you are seeing? How much damage can one little bug cause? And why do they have such a bad rep? Here are 5 important termite facts you will want to know to help you try to prevent them, determine if you have them and assess the damage.

12 01, 2015

Meadow Voles, Roof Rats, And Deer Mice Threaten Management

Rodents, Wildlife|

When it is cold, rodents look to enter man-made structures. Rodents--known for their incisors that never stop growing--must chew to wear their teeth down. This natural propensity to gnaw allows them to chew their way through soft wood to gain access to wall voids, attic crawl spaces, and other areas in your home or garage.

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