The high traffic nature of your business means you are a prime target for bed bug infestations. The unfortunate truth is that there is really no way to stop bed bugs from getting in. With travelers coming from all over, and a high rate of turnover, there are numerous opportunities for bed bugs to find their way into one of your rooms every day. In the hotel and hospitality industry, your best form of protection is to be proactive with frequent inspections.

Training Your Staff

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It’s important to train hotel staff in bed bug detection. You should discuss the potential of training your employees with your pest control partner. Not only will this give your employees the tools to identify bed bug signs, but they will also know the correct process to follow if signs are found. Along with proper training, a monthly bed bug inspection plan should be developed and followed.

How to Handle Complaints

You should also have a policy in place for how your staff handles bed bug complaints. Your bed bug action plan will prepare your housekeeping, reception, and management teams in the event that a guest makes a complaint. This will include compensating the guest, how to deal with their belongings and how to document the complaint. The next step is to immediately schedule an inspection from your pest management company and take the room out of service. Your pest management company will offer recommendations on the best method of inspection and extermination, should an issue be found.

Bed bugs happen. The most you can do is prepare and educate your staff to be proactive in handling issues. Take a look at our sample bed bug action plan for hotels. You can also contact our bed bug experts to customize an action plan for your specific hotel or for more information on our GuestGuard program.