:Tag:carpenter bees in Texas
13 08, 2014

How To Deal With Bees On Your Property

Stinging Insects|

The bee. Sometimes the stuff of horror movies, able to send people with allergies to them and even those without screaming in terror and waving their arms madly around them. The sting of the bee can certainly be an uncomfortable reminder that Mother Nature has her own rules.

27 08, 2013

Top 2 Carpenter Bee Prevention Tips


Many people have heard of bumble bees and honey bees, but have you heard of carpenter bees? These bees behave a little differently than the typical bees you see in your garden; as their name suggests, they will bore into wood. Carpenter bees in Texas can actually pose a problem for the structure of your home, but maybe not for the reason you would expect. The Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s would like to offer you some helpful information in regards to carpenter bees and what you can do to prevent inviting them to your Texas home.

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