Holder's Pest Solutions

Are They Crazy Ants or Fire Ants?

When it comes to ants in your Texas home it is important to identify the species that you are dealing with. To ensure results proper identification is critical as ant treatment may vary by species. In fact rasberry crazy ants, a relatively new pest problem in Houston, and Texas are causing a lot of trouble for homeowners and look similar to fire ants. While both are not good company to keep, they exhibit different behaviors thus requiring different methods of treatment.

Which species is worse? Well it’s hard to say if one is worse than the other. Both can cause painful bites or stings but while the behavior of fire ants may easier to control, crazy ants present different challenges. They do not seem bothered by other common ant sprays and they are a major threat electrical equipment found on properties and even the local eco-system.

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Figuring out which species is invading can be tricky but our Texas pest control company is here to help you learn more about these two ants including what they look and how to tell them apart.  

Rasberry Crazy Ants
1/8 of an inch long
Covered with reddish-brown hairs
Multiple queens in each colony
Erratic behavior (do not follow a pheromone trail)
Nests are a hazard in electrical equipment
Can produce painful bites

Fire Ants
1/16 to 1/4 of an inch long
Red head and thorax with black abdomen
One queen in each colony (some colonies have multiple)
More uniform behavior (follow a pheromone trail)
Nests are a hazard in the yard
Produce painful stings, not bites

No matter which type of ant is infesting your home or business it is best to call in the professionals in pest control for help. At Holder’s Pest Solutions we understand just how important the safety of your home and family are which is why we provide baiting systems and outdoor ant treatments to get rid of ants, no matter how severe the infestation. And for businesses, there’s nothing worse than a pest infestation to ruin your hard earn reputation which is why we offer commercial treatments to maintain a pest free facility. If you are located in the Greater Houston area, please contact us today for more information.   

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