Holder's Pest Solutions

Are Those Red Ants Dangerous?

Have you seen those crazy ants in your yard? You can recognize them by the erratic and almost pointless way they meander about your property. You may see thousands of them crawling around an area outdoors, although they sometimes find their way indoors to forage. The Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s have been dealing with these invasive ants in Texas for awhile now and we have a few tips to help you identify crazy ants on your property as well as prevent them from being a problem.

To help you with ant identification for ants in Texas, here are some of the more common ants you may encounter:

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As you can imagine crazy ants can pose a real problem for homes and businesses in our area; they are an invasive species that seems to be spreading quite rapidly, mostly by people who don’t realize they are spreading them. What can you do to prevent ants like crazy ants from taking over your property and your home? Here are some helpful ant prevention tips from the Houston pest control professionals at Holder’s:

1. Keep food off counters; if something must be stored on the counter, make sure it is enclosed in a hard sided plastic or glass container with a tight fitting lid.

2. Clean up crumbs and spills, especially in areas under appliances and behind counters. If ants have access to food inside your home, they will alert other ants that your home is a good place to forage.

3. Eliminate entry points; you can do this by examining the exterior of your property to check for holes or gaps that may be allowing ants and other pests indoors.

4. Enlist pest control professionals like the folks at Holder’s Pest Solutions for year round pest control services!

At Holder’s, our Total Home Pest Protection program is a convenient and effective program that was designed to protect you, your family and your property from the pests that we deal with in South Texas. This program includes inspection services that are thorough along with treatment that will eliminate the pests that are currently a problem and prevent future pests from invading. If you are seeing crazy ants on your property, give us a call today for more information on our year-round pest control services or to schedule an inspection.

The pros at Holder’s know that you shouldn’t have to deal with these invasive pests; contact us today for crazy ant control and general pest control in Houston, Texas service area.

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